Prof. Dr. M. suyanto, MM
Companies use public relations (public realations) to convey the message and created attitudes, opinions, and the image of the truth. Public relations (public relations) is one of the means of promotion / komu ¬ nikasi that important. During this time, no more than public relations campaign tool / communication at least used, but this tool has the potential to build awareness and frequency in the market, to strengthen the position of product returns, and to memper ¬ tahankan products. Public relations (humasa) is often equated with publicity. In fact, publicity is only a part of public relations. Publicity is the company's activities are designed to trigger media attention through articles, news and editorial that is expected to help maintain awareness, how to view and image are people against the company still be positive. Publicity can be used to benefit a single, mislanya launching new products or reduce the negative opinion of the case. Publicity can also be used to double the benefits, for example, improving some aspects of the activity in the company.
Many companies use marketing public relations (marketing realations public) to make the campaign a company or product and company image and products. Marketing public relations, among others, have a role:
• Assisting in the launch of new products, such as new product launches Pantene Hair Fall Control to the needs of consumers to reduce hair fall due to a broken claimed 98% with regular usage for two months. Share knowledge about Pantene hair fall to the press that the case for women in Indonesia have broken because of hair fall out.
• Assisting in the placement of a position that has been re-grown products, such as the PT. Unilever Indonesia acquired after soy Cap bango in 2001, Unilever perform repositioning soy Cap bango with cooking competitions involving mothers home to Jakarta and West Java. Then followed the cart Sate bango the aim of food traders in the street and proceed Jajanan Festival bango entered in previous events such as the television brought by Bondan Winarno, Indonesia culinary experts. Finally kecap Cap bango into the soy sauce market position of the two ratings.
• Develop an interest in a product category, for example, invites Maspion to buy products made in Indonesia.
• Affecting the specific target groups, such as the Extra Joss sponsored Qurban 2 billion and then open with the 600 traders asongan se-Jabotabek, so get a good image of Muslims. Extra Joss currently occupies the first rank for penambah energy drink category.
• Maintain the product have problems in the community, such as Lion Air terpuruk his name after the accident in Solo, but the Lion Air is able to attract sympathy back cooperation with Metro TV in the disaster in Aceh to help with a free seat for a number of the passengers to leave Aceh and provide special assistance to carry the goods to Aceh for free.
• Building on the image so that the company supports its products, such as holding family Sosrojoyo believed that the value of sterling, which is good intent, does not endanger human health and does not damage the environment. Soetjipto Sosrojoyo finally get Life Time Achievement Award in Marketing, can strengthen brand Tea Sosro the brand is currently ranked first in the category tea packaging.
Methods of public relations and publicity is a major publication, important activities, sponsor events, news, events, community service activities, the media the identity of the company, employee relations, product placement on television programs or movies, and telephone information services and the Internet.
Publication is done depends on the company's published material to reach the target and affect the market. Publications include the annual report, newsletter, articles, magazines and audiovisual companies.
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Many companies use marketing public relations (marketing realations public) to make the campaign a company or product and company image and products. Marketing public relations, among others, have a role:
• Assisting in the launch of new products, such as new product launches Pantene Hair Fall Control to the needs of consumers to reduce hair fall due to a broken claimed 98% with regular usage for two months. Share knowledge about Pantene hair fall to the press that the case for women in Indonesia have broken because of hair fall out.
• Assisting in the placement of a position that has been re-grown products, such as the PT. Unilever Indonesia acquired after soy Cap bango in 2001, Unilever perform repositioning soy Cap bango with cooking competitions involving mothers home to Jakarta and West Java. Then followed the cart Sate bango the aim of food traders in the street and proceed Jajanan Festival bango entered in previous events such as the television brought by Bondan Winarno, Indonesia culinary experts. Finally kecap Cap bango into the soy sauce market position of the two ratings.
• Develop an interest in a product category, for example, invites Maspion to buy products made in Indonesia.
• Affecting the specific target groups, such as the Extra Joss sponsored Qurban 2 billion and then open with the 600 traders asongan se-Jabotabek, so get a good image of Muslims. Extra Joss currently occupies the first rank for penambah energy drink category.
• Maintain the product have problems in the community, such as Lion Air terpuruk his name after the accident in Solo, but the Lion Air is able to attract sympathy back cooperation with Metro TV in the disaster in Aceh to help with a free seat for a number of the passengers to leave Aceh and provide special assistance to carry the goods to Aceh for free.
• Building on the image so that the company supports its products, such as holding family Sosrojoyo believed that the value of sterling, which is good intent, does not endanger human health and does not damage the environment. Soetjipto Sosrojoyo finally get Life Time Achievement Award in Marketing, can strengthen brand Tea Sosro the brand is currently ranked first in the category tea packaging.
Methods of public relations and publicity is a major publication, important activities, sponsor events, news, events, community service activities, the media the identity of the company, employee relations, product placement on television programs or movies, and telephone information services and the Internet.
Publication is done depends on the company's published material to reach the target and affect the market. Publications include the annual report, newsletter, articles, magazines and audiovisual companies.
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