Brand definition
Each company should develop its own policies on the policy-brand products for the eye in the same line. Brand is the combination of names, words, symbols or designs that give the identity of the product. As was discussed in advance, that the advertised products, but not the brand.
Brands have the role if the economy is produced en masse so that achieve economies of scale and brand that can successfully prevent the competitors who want to memeperkenalkan the same brand. Brand also has a strategic role with a pembeda between brands offered with the brand of the company's competitors.
From the perspective of consumers, a trusted brand is a guarantee on the consistency of performance and provide a product that benefits consumers look for when buying a certain product or brand. Brand is also a promise to consumers that the only mention his name, hope that the relief will provide the best quality, comfort, status and other considerations when consumers make a purchase. Top brands Indonesia has presented in Chapter I.
Category Brand
Brand consists of private brands (private brand / store brand / distributor of brand / private label), brand-specific / individual (specific / individual brand), the line / family (friends / family brand), the company (corporate brand), the combination (cobination brand).
Brand is a private brand-sponsored by the distributor, for example, the big traders and retail traders. Alfa sugar issue with the Alfa brand does not have a sugar factory, the Alpha brand using private seijin top distributor gulanya. Brand private traders allows large traders or retail price is lower and allows for higher profit.
Brand is a specific strategy to name brands on a specific product. Unilever to use this strategy, for example, for Ax deodorant brand, Blue Band margarine for, mosquito drugs for Domestos, Omo detergent for soap, for Pepsodent toothpaste and Sunsilk shampoo for that shown in Figure 1.1. Similarly, P & G, Camay soap brand for bath, for Crest toothpaste, for Duracell batteries, for the Gillette razor, Head & shoulders for shampoo and Pampers nappies for.
Each company should develop its own policies on the policy-brand products for the eye in the same line. Brand is the combination of names, words, symbols or designs that give the identity of the product. As was discussed in advance, that the advertised products, but not the brand.
Brands have the role if the economy is produced en masse so that achieve economies of scale and brand that can successfully prevent the competitors who want to memeperkenalkan the same brand. Brand also has a strategic role with a pembeda between brands offered with the brand of the company's competitors.
From the perspective of consumers, a trusted brand is a guarantee on the consistency of performance and provide a product that benefits consumers look for when buying a certain product or brand. Brand is also a promise to consumers that the only mention his name, hope that the relief will provide the best quality, comfort, status and other considerations when consumers make a purchase. Top brands Indonesia has presented in Chapter I.
Brand consists of private brands (private brand / store brand / distributor of brand / private label), brand-specific / individual (specific / individual brand), the line / family (friends / family brand), the company (corporate brand), the combination (cobination brand).
Brand is a private brand-sponsored by the distributor, for example, the big traders and retail traders. Alfa sugar issue with the Alfa brand does not have a sugar factory, the Alpha brand using private seijin top distributor gulanya. Brand private traders allows large traders or retail price is lower and allows for higher profit.
Brand is a specific strategy to name brands on a specific product. Unilever to use this strategy, for example, for Ax deodorant brand, Blue Band margarine for, mosquito drugs for Domestos, Omo detergent for soap, for Pepsodent toothpaste and Sunsilk shampoo for that shown in Figure 1.1. Similarly, P & G, Camay soap brand for bath, for Crest toothpaste, for Duracell batteries, for the Gillette razor, Head & shoulders for shampoo and Pampers nappies for.
Link is a product brand strategy put in a brand name product lines related. Brand-focused product lines and provide the benefits of the cost of promoting the product lines of each product. This strategy is effective if the company has one or more product lines that each contain a relationship between the items products. One of the benefits of product lines is the addition of the items the product can be introduced to empower the brand name that has been built.
Brand is the company's strategy to build brand identity using the name of the company to identify the products produced.
Brand is the company's strategy to build brand identity using the name of the company to identify the products produced.
Brand Equity
Brand equity based on the consumer perspective is the introduction of top consumer brands and store them in memory of their association with a supportive, strong and unique. Brand equity based on the perspective of consumers' brand awareness (brand awareness) and the brand image (brand image).
Brand awareness is the ability to appear in mind when consumers think they are of particular products and how easy it is the name a
ppear. Brand awareness is a basic dimension in brand equity. A brand does not have any equity to recognize the existence of the consumer brand. New brand should be able to achieve brand awareness and brand awareness mempertakan to be done all the brands. Level of brand awareness will be known as brand awareness is superficial and tends to remember the brand awareness as in the more. For in Indonesia, if we think brand toothpaste that can quickly appear in the head then we will Pepsodent appear first, followed by new Ciptadent, Close-Up and more. Meanwhile, if we think mosquito drugs, the Baygon will appear first, followed by the new Three Wheel and more.
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Brand equity based on the consumer perspective is the introduction of top consumer brands and store them in memory of their association with a supportive, strong and unique. Brand equity based on the perspective of consumers' brand awareness (brand awareness) and the brand image (brand image).
Brand awareness is the ability to appear in mind when consumers think they are of particular products and how easy it is the name a
Brand image is a type of association, which appears in consumers' mind when considering a particular brand. Associations may appear in the form of a thought or image that is associated with a brand. This association can be based on the type of dikonseptualkan, support, strength and uniqueness. Type of association include the brand attributes, benefits and attitudes. Attribute consists of attributes assoc
iated with products such as design, color, size and attributes that are not associated with the product, such as price, and the use of the image. Meanwhile, the benefits include the benefits of functional, the symbolic benefits and benefits based on experience. Bodrex associated as a drug that is safe and rapid cure. Komix associated as cough medicines that can be drunk directly with the ad slogan "Tante Fe cough, diglek aja."
To increase the brand equity is done through the selection of the name or logo is good. Business, which most often done through a program of marketing and marketing communications to create associations that support, strong and unique in the mind of consumers and brand attributes or benefits. High quality products and present have a potential value of the brand equity of the business marketing communications requires a consistent and effective to build and maintain brand equity. Tea Sosro as one of the big brands in Indonesia, actually not more than the water that are given sugar. However, this brand has a great brand equity because they do pemasarnya campaign continuously.
To increase the brand equity is done through the selection of the name or logo is good. Business, which most often done through a program of marketing and marketing communications to create associations that support, strong and unique in the mind of consumers and brand attributes or benefits. High quality products and present have a potential value of the brand equity of the business marketing communications requires a consistent and effective to build and maintain brand equity. Tea Sosro as one of the big brands in Indonesia, actually not more than the water that are given sugar. However, this brand has a great brand equity because they do pemasarnya campaign continuously.
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