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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Al-Qur'an and the beauty of language commentary of al-Qur'an

Resital tradition (read) in the Qur'an Islam called Recitations. Resital form of the most popular in the ground water is reading the Qur'an murattal, or ritmik, which is also often called tartilan. The tradition in this country we usually dilombakan festival in Musabaqoh Tilawatil Quran (MTQ). In MTQ, which is the Qur'an ditonjolkan as aural beauty (the beauty of the hearing), not written. Reading the Qur'an aural fluty dilantunkan so, so beautiful, like poetry kanonis the rich metaphorical universe. In the Qur'an there are many poems and prose cargo. Prophet story of Adam and Eve, the story the prophet Moses, Jesus, Joseph, Solomon, David, and the story of 'Ad and Thamud, stories Ashabul Kahfi, Ashabul Fil, Isra-Mikraj, the stories in the form of prose and poetry. Results of research Shahnon Ahmad (1977) of Malaysia have shown as many as 227 of the Qur'an which refers to the poet, especially poet jahiliyah. In letters Makiyah (letter down in Mecca), especially the short-short, the structure stilistik (style) and the language is on the structure of poetry. Said alif, lam, mim, yes, Ain, shod, stilistik show the same with poetry. History has been told how much charm and beauty of the language of the Qur'an stilistika able to move people even affected by it. Acts signed in Islamnya poet al-Walid bin al-Mughirah sent by the Quraish tribe to dialogue with the prophet Muhammad, the story terpesonanya Umar bin al-Khattab to the Holy Qur'an until he converted to Islam, is a story about the beauty of the language and style of the Qur'an. Ketakjuban society emerging from the Qur'an to the kind of passion will be literary. We still remember when the Qur'an was revealed, Arab society at that time already has a strong literary tradition. When the Arabs accept the Qur'an is constantly tested and is associated with the literature, especially the beauty of language, rhetoric, and style. The beauty of the Qur'an is read when the power sastrawi capable membetot thoughts and feelings pendengarnya. So no wonder when there is a thought that the Qur'an contains magical power that is able to influence the people who read or hear. This is not surprising because of the beauty of the Qur'an itself is derived from the Mahaindah. God's own Mahaindah and the beauty. If God is Mahaindah the word also is certainly beautiful. The word itself means that reading the Qur'an, a beautiful reading. To approach the Qur'an is required with a beautiful approach that is capable of beauty reveals the curtain. And this is possible with the study of literature that is indeed very apresiatif language of art and beauty. In other words, the "approach" that Mahaindah who gave birth to a very beautiful word (the Qur'an), with a very logical approach to poetry. Humans will not be able to "meet" with the Mahaindah in conditions that are not beautiful or dirty, so to "see" a set of tools needed Mahaindah beautiful or at least appreciate the beauty. Amin al-Khuli once method approach of the literature in a metaphorical in the Qur'an. One commentator, said Amin al-Khuli and Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd in Tafsir Method Literature English translation version (Adab IAIN Press (now UIN) Yogyakarta, 2004) perforce have to use the sciences of literature such as grammar, metaphor, style , to be able to avoid the meaning of the Qur'an on the monolithic, and at the same time, able to bring the diversity of the meaning of the Qur'an itself. Amin al-Khuli not alone, students, Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd has even apply the approach and method of the text commentary in the literature reveals the dimensions of the beauty of the Qur'an. Long before Amin al-Khuli, scholars emphasize the commentary in the language of the Qur'an is a follow Muhammad Abduh (1848-1905) and Thaha Husayn (1889-1973). In Indonesia, of course we still remember H.B. Jassin Mulia Reading the Qur'an in the Qur'an and a certain kind of face that Poetry is very excited. Is there a wrong way as that? Method commentary literature on the Qur'an itself is an individual. If now many of the scholars and thinkers who use the approach to sociology, anthropology, psychology, history, philosophy, in interpreting the Qur'an, and many are no longer complain, then the method commentary on literature Alqutan very possible. Reveals the meaning of the verses of the Qur'an through poetry or prose does not mean putting down the Qur'an in the poems. Thus in this way, the beauty of the Qur'an does not merely claim narrow as Muslims, but will have the knowledge base is strong arguments. If we believe that the Qur'an is beautiful and the creator Mahaindah approach that emphasizes the literary beauty will not be able to undermine kemukjizatan Qur'an. Not the way to the knowledge of the Qur'an always terpampang miracles for those who want to know the beauty. Could open the door to a secret kemukjizatannya however small that can be done by humans is possible with the study of literature and poetry in particular. Why poetry? Because the "poetry", the word 'Abd al-Qahir, will be able to guarantee you do not get stuck on the sole belief that, while the other unbelievers, will ensure you never make a mistake in making a claim, not to keep you become the person who learned only the only taklid