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Friday, January 16, 2009

The Brand Strategy Building Strong

Prof. Dr. M. suyanto, MM

Brand definition

Each company should develop its own policies on the policy-brand products for the eye in the same line. Brand is the combination of names, words, symbols or designs that give the identity of the product. As was discussed in advance, that the advertised products, but not the brand.

Brands have the role if the economy is produced en masse so that achieve economies of scale and brand that can successfully prevent the competitors who want to memeperkenalkan the same brand. Brand also has a strategic role with a pembeda between brands offered with the brand of the company's competitors.
From the perspective of consumers, a trusted brand is a guarantee on the consistency of performance and provide a product that be
nefits consumers look for when buying a certain product or brand. Brand is also a promise to consumers that the only mention his name, hope that the relief will provide the best quality, comfort, status and other considerations when consumers make a purchase. Top brands Indonesia has presented in Chapter I.

Category Brand

Brand consists of private brands (private brand / store brand / distributor of brand / private label), brand-specific / individual (specific / individual brand), the line / family (friends / family brand), the company (corporate brand), the combination (cobination brand).
rand is a private brand-sponsored by the distributor, for example, the big traders and retail traders. Alfa sugar issue with the Alfa brand does not have a sugar factory, the Alpha brand using private seijin top distributor gulanya. Brand private traders allows large traders or retail price is lower and allows for higher profit.
Brand is a specific strategy to name brands on a specific product. Unilever to use this strategy, for example, for Ax deodorant brand, Blue Band margarine for, mosquito drugs for Domestos, Omo detergent for soap, for Pepsodent toothpaste and Sunsilk shampoo for that shown in Figure 1.1. Similarly, P & G, Camay soap brand for bath, for Crest toothpaste, for Duracell batteries, for the Gillette razor, Head & shoulders for shampoo and Pampers nappies for.

Link is a product brand strategy put in a brand name product lines related. Brand-focused product lines and provide the benefits of the cost of promoting the product lines of each product. This strategy is effective if the company has one or more product lines that each contain a relationship between the items products. One of the benefits of product lines is the addition of the items the product can be introduced to empower the brand name that has been built.
Brand is the company's strategy to build brand identity using the name of the company to identify the products produced.

Brand Equity

Brand equity based on the consumer perspective is the introduction of top consumer brands and store them in memory of their association with a supportive, strong and unique. Brand equity based on the perspective of consumers' brand awareness (brand awareness) and the brand image (brand image).
Brand awareness is the
ability to appear in mind when consumers think they are of particular products and how easy it is the name appear. Brand awareness is a basic dimension in brand equity. A brand does not have any equity to recognize the existence of the consumer brand. New brand should be able to achieve brand awareness and brand awareness mempertakan to be done all the brands. Level of brand awareness will be known as brand awareness is superficial and tends to remember the brand awareness as in the more. For in Indonesia, if we think brand toothpaste that can quickly appear in the head then we will Pepsodent appear first, followed by new Ciptadent, Close-Up and more. Meanwhile, if we think mosquito drugs, the Baygon will appear first, followed by the new Three Wheel and more.
Brand image is a type of association, which appears in consumers' mind when considering a particular brand. Associations may appear in the form of a thought or image that is associated with a brand. This association can be based on the type of dikonseptualkan, support, strength and uniqueness. Type of association include the brand attributes, benefits and attitudes. Attribute consists of attributes associated with products such as design, color, size and attributes that are not associated with the product, such as price, and the use of the image. Meanwhile, the benefits include the benefits of functional, the symbolic benefits and benefits based on experience. Bodrex associated as a drug that is safe and rapid cure. Komix associated as cough medicines that can be drunk directly with the ad slogan "Tante Fe cough, diglek aja."
To increase the brand equity is done through the selection of the name or logo is good. Business, which most often done through a program of marketing and marketing communications to create associations that support, strong and unique in the mind of consumers and brand attributes or benefits. High quality products and present have a potential value of the brand equity of the business marketing communications requires a consistent and effective to build and maintain brand equity. Tea Sosro as one of the big brands in Indonesia, actually not more than the water that are given sugar. However, this brand has a great brand equity because they do pemasarnya campaign continuously.

source : http://msuyanto.com/

Strategy holding angry

Prof. Dr. M. suyanto, MM

When I was a student, I entered the bookstore. I will buy a pen with a select few have the pen. So I pull the pen out of place, pen another drop. I take the pen that fall, then return to where they are. The owners of these shops rebuke me. Finally I decided not to buy a pen and store owners to anger, and then I leave the store. Since then I've never been to the store, for fear that dimarahi again. Likewise when I forgot to pay the credit card bill one of the Foreign Bank, I was given a letter to the angry tone and did not mengenakkan, as if I as a customer who is not responsible. I close the two credit cards from the bank. In the case I have a credit card is more than 7 years and for that I become a good customer. Since that time I promised myself on my own to not have a credit card again, to ensure that I not be treated like that again. Billing errors of this highly fatal to me.

However to the marketing of Foreign Banks to me again, I suggest not to repeat the error. I just enough to be a victim. Anger can make customers leave the company and does not come back. In the case to get a loyal customer is not easy. To get new customers who require a variety of strategies because the competition is very competitive.
In the story of Ramayana, Rahwana or Dasamuka is a wise king with ten heads in pundaknya. However, success has been well-lowness kill himself and kill a large number of kebajikannya. Because murkanya, he makes a mistake that caused untold damage to itself and of the near and the dicintainya. Anger can defeat the policy of Rahwana, which ended in the battle that killed many people and himself. You want to keep Rahwana angry and Rama to come to hear the story of the Rama, bloodshed is certainly not going to happen. Rahwana but does not do so, because he felt more magical feel, pasukannya stronger and more complete persenjataannya, he mengumbar kemarahannya .. Instead Rama is the king who is able to hold anger, although the troops were only primates with persejantaan limited. .
According Promod Batra in his book Born To Win, to encourage study of a matchbox that simple. Have a lighter head, does not have a brain. Therefore, every little friction, the match burned directly. We have a headache, but we also have a brain. We do not need to fire beard because only a small friction. By using the brain, we can help reduce the anger and be free of stress. Because every 10 minutes to anger, we lose 600 seconds of happiness. From Abu Darda ', "I said: O Messenger of Allah, show me a practice that I enter into heaven." He said "Do not be angry, you will enter Paradise."

source : http://msuyanto.com

Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility

Prof. Dr. M. suyanto, MM

Companies use public relations (public realations) to convey the message and created attitudes, opinions, and the image of the truth. Public relations (public relations) is one of the means of promotion / komu ¬ nikasi that important. During this time, no more than public relations campaign tool / communication at least used, but this tool has the potential to build awareness and frequency in the market, to strengthen the position of product returns, and to memper ¬ tahankan products. Public relations (humasa) is often equated with publicity. In fact, publicity is only a part of public relations. Publicity is the company's activities are designed to trigger media attention through articles, news and editorial that is expected to help maintain awareness, how to view and image are people against the company still be positive. Publicity can be used to benefit a single, mislanya launching new products or reduce the negative opinion of the case. Publicity can also be used to double the benefits, for example, improving some aspects of the activity in the company.
Many companies use marketing public relations (marketing realations public) to make the campaign a company or product and company image and products. Marketing public relations, among others, have a role:
• Assisting in the launch of new products, such as new product launches Pantene Hair Fall Control to the needs of consumers to reduce hair fall due to a broken claimed 98% with regular usage for two months. Share knowledge about Pantene hair fall to the press that the case for women in Indonesia have broken because of hair fall out.
• Assisting in the placement of a position that has been re-grown products, such as the PT. Unilever Indonesia acquired after soy Cap bango in 2001, Unilever perform repositioning soy Cap bango with cooking competitions involving mothers home to Jakarta and West Java. Then followed the cart Sate bango the aim of food traders in the street and proceed Jajanan Festival bango entered in previous events such as the television brought by Bondan Winarno, Indonesia culinary experts. Finally kecap Cap bango into the soy sauce market position of the two ratings.
• Develop an interest in a product category, for example, invites Maspion to buy products made in Indonesia.
• Affecting the specific target groups, such as the Extra Joss sponsored Qurban 2 billion and then open with the 600 traders asongan se-Jabotabek, so get a good image of Muslims. Extra Joss currently occupies the first rank for penambah energy drink category.
• Maintain the product have problems in the community, such as Lion Air terpuruk his name after the accident in Solo, but the Lion Air is able to attract sympathy back cooperation with Metro TV in the disaster in Aceh to help with a free seat for a number of the passengers to leave Aceh and provide special assistance to carry the goods to Aceh for free.
• Building on the image so that the company supports its products, such as holding family Sosrojoyo believed that the value of sterling, which is good intent, does not endanger human health and does not damage the environment. Soetjipto Sosrojoyo finally get Life Time Achievement Award in Marketing, can strengthen brand Tea Sosro the brand is currently ranked first in the category tea packaging.
Methods of public relations and publicity is a major publication, important activities, sponsor events, news, events, community service activities, the media the identity of the company, employee relations, product placement on television programs or movies, and telephone information services and the Internet.
Publication is done depends on the company's published material to reach the target and affect the market. Publications include the annual report, newsletter, articles, magazines and audiovisual companies.

source : http://msuyanto.com


Penulis Buku : Dr.Bassam Nahad Jarrar

Dalam buku ini penulis membicarakan dua perkara utama. Pada bagian pertama penulis menguraikan beberpa ayat Alquran surat Al Isra’ dengan metode tafsir analitik. Dari sini disimpulkan bahwa dua janji Alloh kepada Bani Israil yang diturunkan dalam kitab Taurat dan Al quran baru terlaksana sekali.Berarti masih akan terjadi sekali lagi, lalu kapan itu terjadi? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini penulis menggunakan sebuah pendekatan baru yang dinamakan “ta’wil matematik” dengan angka 19 sebagai dasarnya. Dengan angka 19 itu penulis mengalikan jumlah huruf, kalimat atau angka tertentu yang diperoleh dari ayat Quran. Hasilnya adalah keajaiban dan menunjukkan kemukjizatan AlQuran karena disitu diperolehlah angka 2022 sebagai tahun diprediksikannya israil Hancur.


Tafsir Ayat-ayat Surat Al Isra tentang Kehancuran Israel.

Peristiwa isra’ mi’raj terjadi satu tahun sebelum Nabi berhijrah ke Madinah. Pada saat itu peristiwa tentang kejatuhan bangsa Yahudi sudah berlalu, kurang lebih selama 500 tahun. Rentang waktu yang cukup lama. Setelah peristiwa isra’ mi’raj tersebutlah permulaan surat Al isra’ atau yang juga disebut Bani Israil diturunkan. Yang menarik, peristiwa isra’ mi’raj Rosul hanya disebut dalam satu ayat saja dalam surat Bani Israil tersebut yaitu Ayat ke 1 (Buka QS Al Isra : 1).

Setelah itu mulai Ayat 2 pembicaraan dilanjutkan tentang :

“Dan telah kami berikan kepada Musa Kitab (Taurat) dan Kami telah menjadikannya sebagai petunjuk untuk Bani Israil,(dan diwasiatkan kepada mereka) agar kamu janganlah menjadikan wakil (penolong untuk tempat menyerahkan segala urusan) dari selain-Ku?” (QS Al Isra :2)

dilanjutkan QS Al Isra : 4-6

Muncul pertanyaan , apakah hubungan Musa,Bani Israil, dan peristiwa Isra’ ?

Dalam Kitab Taurat, Tuhan telah memutuskan bahwa bani Israil akan memasuki bumi yang diberkati (Palestina). Bahkan disana mereka akan mendirikan pemerintahan. Tetapi kemudian mereka membuat kerusakan besar sehingga menyebabkan Alloh menghukum mereka dengan cara mengirim hamba2-Nya yang tangguh. Setelah kerajaan mereka binasa, mereka diusir dan dicerai beraikan.Perkara ini juga telah dikabarkan Alloh dalam Qs Al maidah :21

“Wahai kaumku masuklah kedalam bumi (Palestina) yang disucikan, yang Alloh telah tetapkan buat kamu.”

Namun kaum Bani israil kembali membuat kerusakan. Ini dimulai sejak kedua nabi Alloh Dawud dan Sulaiman wafat. Orang2 Bani Israil terpecah menjadi 2 bagian yang saling membuat kemungkaran.

Nabi Sulaiman sendiri wafat tahun 935 SM. Setelah itu sebanyak 12 suku bangsa Yahudi membelot. Seiring kerusakan dan kebobrokan moral yang semakin menjadi,serangan musuh pun datang bertubi-tubi. Dimulai dari serangan bangsa Mesir, Lalu yang paling dahsyat adalah serangan dari bangsa Assiria dan Babilonia. Dalam muqadimah Kitab raja-raja Kedua disebutkan bahwa Bangsa Assiria menyerang pada tahun 722 SM pada bagian utara. Pada tahun 586 SM Bangsa babilonia menghancurkan Kerajaan Israil bagian selatan. Disini kita melihat bahwa Kedua bangsa ini lah yang menjadi pelaksana ketentuan Alloh.

Setelah kehancuran Israel oleh bangsa Babilonia, tidak ada lagi negara atau kerajaan Israel Yahudi yang lahir kembali kecuali baru pada tahun 1948 M di bumi Palestina.

Kenapa nubuta ini diberitakan sekali lagi dalam Al quran setelah berlalu hampir 1800 tahun sejak diturunkan pertama kali dalm kitab Taurat? Jawabnya : Seandainya pengkabaran kedua janji Alloh itu telah terbukti sebelum kedatangan Islam, niscaya kita akan sulitmemahami hubungan Bani Israil, Musa, dan peristiwa Isra’ Mi’raj nya Rosulullah. Adapun apabila janji Alloh yang pertama sudah terbukti, lalu janji Alloh yang kedua baru akan terjadi dimasa depan umat Islam, dan sekarang Umat Islam masih menunggu berlakunya janji Alloh yang kedua itu, seperti yang difirmankan Alloh dalam surat Al Isra’ ayat 4-5.

Tafsir Analitik

Dalam bukunya, penulis membuatkan penjelasan tentang Tafsir analitiknya dari QS Al Isra’ ayat 4-5.

“ Dan kami tetapkan kepada Bani Israil di dalam kitab (Taurat),sesungguhnya kamu akan membuat kerusakan di bumi (Palestina) dua kali, dan sesungguhnya kamu akan menyombongkan diri dengan kesombongan yang besar.” (QS Al Isra’:4)

“Maka apabila telah tiba janji pembalasan (atas kejahatanmu) untuk kali yang pertama dari dua (janji pembalasan), Kami datangkan kepada kamu hamba-hamba Kami yang tangguh dan hebat serangannya, lalu mereka menjelajah (merajalela) di segala pelosok kampung-kampung. Dan (peringatan ini) adalah sebuah janji yang pasti ditunaikan.” (QS Al Isra’:5)

Kembali untuk memenuhi janji Terakhir.

Orang-orang Yahudi yang telah tercerai berai dan terlunta-lunta akhirnya kembali ke bumi yang diberkati dan berusaha mencapai kemerdekaan atau paling tidak mendapatkan pemerintahan otonomi.Hal ini di jelaskan dalam Al quran :

“ Kemudian Kami kembalikan lagi kepada mu kekuasaan dari mereka (yang pernah mengalahkan kamu) dan kami membantumu dengan harta kekayaan dan anak-anak lelaki yang banyak. Serta kami jadikan kamu kaum yang ramai pasukannya.” (QS AL Isra’:6)

Jika kita teliti kembali dalam realitanya maka berdirinya Negara Israel berdasarkan 6 Unsur , yaitu:

1. Kekuasaan dan negara Israel Yahudi akan dikembalikan sekali lagi kepada mereka setelah berhasil mengalahkan bangsa yang dulu pernah membinasakan kerajaan mereka yang pertama. Berdirinya negara Yahudi kedua dalam sejarah belum pernah terjadi selain pada tahun 1948 M, yaitu setelah berhasil mengalahkan pasukan Arab.(“… kemudian Kami kembalikan lagi kepadamu kekuasaan dari mereka yang pernah mengalahkanmu….Al Isra’:6)

2. Bangsa Israel dibantu dengan dukungan harta yang melimpah ruah untuk mendirikan negara Israel. (“…dan Kami membantumu dengan harta kekayaan….”).

3. Israel didukung oleh kekuatan para pemuda yang siap berperang untuk mendirikan negara.Terbukti dengan ambisi mereka untuk menghijrahkan pemuda-pemuda yahudi dari berbagai negara ke Palestina, sejak sebelum Israel ada hingga hari ini. (“…dan anak-anak lelaki yang banyak….”)

4. Ketika perang Arab- Israel terjadi,jumlah tentara Yahudi lebih banyak daripada tentara musuhnya (negara Arab). Faktanya pada tahun 1948 jumlah tentara Israel 3x lebih banyak dari tentara Arab.

5. Orang-orang Yahudi berkumpul kembali setelah lama terpecah belah ke seluruh penjuru bumi.

6. Ketika Itu orang-orang Yahudi sudah berasal dar bermacam-macam suku. Adapun kini mereka berasal dari 70 bangsa. (“Maka apabila telah datang janji hukuman yang terakhir, Kami akan mendatangkan kalian dalam keadaan bercampur baur….”,Al Isra’:104)


Penjelasan Matematik Terhadap Nubuat Al Quran.

Dalam sebuah makalah yang dibuat oleh Syaikh Muhammad Ahmad Ar-Rasyid – tentang Tata Dunia Baru – diceritakan tentang perkara berikut :

Sewaktu negara Israel berdiri dan diproklamirkan tahun 1948, seorang perempuan tua Yahudi masuk ke rumah ibu Muhammad Ar-Rasyid dalam keadaan menangis. Ketika ditanya kenapa dia menangis padahal orang-orang Yahudi sedang bergembira, dia menjawab “Sesungguhnya berdirinya negara Yahudi ini menjadi sebab mereka akan dibinasakan.Menurut perempuan tua itu bahwa negara Yahudi yang baru berdiri itu hanya akan berumur selama 76 tahun.Menurut Muhammad Ar-Rasyid perkara ini ada kaitannya dengan putaran komet Heli yang punya hubungan erat dengan kepercayaan Yahudi.

Angka 19 dan Nubuat Kehancuran Israel

1. Berdasarkan kabar perempuan Yahudi tadi, negara Israel hanya berumur 76 tahun saja, yakni 19 x 4 . Katakanlah 76 tahun itu tahun Qamariyyah , karena Yahudi menggunakan hitungan bulan Qamariyyah. Tahun 1948 M bertepatan dgn tahun 1367 H, Dgn demikian jika perkiraan tadi benar berarti negara Israel akan berlangsung hingga tahun 1367 + 76 = 1443 H.

2. Setiap kalimah dalam surat Al Isra menunjukkan hitungansatu tahun karena kalimatnya yang berjumlah 1556 itu = 1556 tahun (bilangan tahun antara kehancuran kekuasaan israel pertama hingga peristiwa Isra’). Jumlah ayat surat Al Isra’ sebanyak 111 = jumlah ayat dalam surat Yusuf. Dan Kesamaan ini hanya ada dalam dua surat ini saja.Apabila diteliti, surat Yusuf sebenarnya berbicara tentang ke munculan Bani Israil, sedangkan surat Bani Israil berbicara tentang akhir dari kewujudan Bani Israil di muka bumi suci yang diberkati. Setiap ayat dari surat Al Isra sering diakhiri dgn kalimah seperti : wakiilan, syakuuran, nafiiran, lafiifan…semuanya berjumlah 111. Dari jumlah itu jika dibuang beberapa kalimah yang sering diulang-ulang, maka tinggal 76 kalimah, yakni = 19 x 4. Seperti keterangan terdahulu bahwa setiap satu kalimah mewakili bilangan satu tahun. 76 TAHUN ! Ada 4 ayat dalam surat Al Isra yang terdiri dari 19 kalimah, artinya jumlah kalimahnya 19 x 4. HASILNYA SEKALI LAGI adalah 76!!! Seketika terlintas untuk melihat ayat ke 76 yang ternyata berbunyi :

“Dan sesungguhnya benar-benar mereka hampir membuatmu gelisah di negeri (Makkah) untuk mengusirmu daripadanya dan kalau terjadi demikian, niscaya sepeninggalmu mereka tidak akan tinggal melainkan sebentar saja.”(Al Isra:76)

PERHATIKAN, sesudah kata qaliilan (sebentar/sedikit waktu)langsung terdapat nomor ayat yang ke 76!????????

Wallahu’alam bishowab.

Mengikut hadith, umat Rasulullah akan hidup selama 1500
tahun...sekarang sudah 1352 +120 + 13 tahun hijrah...
daripada ini kita ketahui kita akan bertahan dalam masa 15
tahun lagi.. Jikalau ini benar, bumi akan kiamat pada tahun

Saintis telah menjumpai sebuah planet yang lebih kecil
daripada bumi yang menghala ke bumi.. Ia telah dianggarkan
bahawa planet itu akan melanggar bumi pada tahun 2014.
Amerika akan cuba untuk menukarkan orbitnya dengan
menembaknya dengan sebuah roket... Dan saintis juga telah
menjumpai sebuah planet yang juga akan menghentam bumi... Ia
dianggarkan akan melanggar bumi dalam masa 9 tahun lagi..
Dan planet ini lebih besar daripada bumi... Jikalau ini
benar, dunia akan musnah pada tahun 2023+0.1¼ = 12.36 am on
28 JAN 2023 ....

Dan dikatakan kuasa Israel akan mencapai puncaknya pada
tahun 2009... Dan kuasanya akan jatuh semula dalam 14 tahun,
iaitu tahun 2023,disebabkan oleh penurunan semula Nabi
Isa... . Dan hadith mengatakan bahawa Nabi Isa hanya akan
hidup selama 14-15 tahun dan dunia akan kiamat pada hari
Nabi Isa wafat.. Jikalau ini benar dunia akan kiamat pada
tahun 2 022... Dianggarkan Bumi Akan Kiamat Antara Tahun
2023-2024.... . Wallahu'alam. .. Semua ini telah
dikaji... Dan yang dipercayai paling tepat ialah hadith yang
mengatakan bahawa umat Rasulullah akan bertahan selama 1500
tahun...Kita t elah berada di bumi ini selama 1485 tahun...
Cubalah anda kirakan sendiri... Beribadatlah wahai umat-umat
Islam sekalian... Sampaikanlah mesej ini kepada semua
kenalan Islam anda... Semoga saudara-saudari sekalian akan
mendapat rahmat ALLAH S.W.T...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mission & Vitalitas Unilever Indonesia

Vitality is the core of all our activities. There is a vitality in our products, our employees and our values.

Vitality has a different meaning for each person. It's considered as the energy, the other more widely considered as the condition of the body and mind healthy - which means to feel alive.

However they define, millions of people around the world use our products every day to improve their vitality - both feel confident with themselves on their own because of the lustrous hair and a bright smile, has a house that stays fresh and clean, or by enjoying a cup of Tea is delicious, satisfying food and snacks are healthful.

Since 19Th century when William Husker Level states that the company's mission is "to create a place to live with a clean, reduce the work load for women; to improve health and increase the attractiveness of private life more enjoyable and meaningful for those who use our products," vitality has become the heart of our business.

Vitality must mean what we paperhanging: our values, what makes us different, and how we give to the community cont rib. Vitality is a bond that connects with the products and our core we are not there for both of them operate in the world.
Health & Nutrition

Our vitality mission led us to the business we deal with issues of health and nutrition. We focus our attention on a number of priorities that include children and family nutrition, heart health and weight control.

We also describe the cultural vitality. Add vitality of life requires the highest standards of behavior of everyone associated with us; we touch people and the environment affected by us.

The increasing demand will be more vitality life gives us great opportunities to grow. The way we work and the products that we develop to be a tendency by customers, along with the need to help improve health and hygiene standards in both developing countries and advanced in the world.

Unilever Indonesia Mission

1. Being the first and best in its class to meet the needs and aspirations of consumers
2. Being the main partners for customers, consumers and communities.
3. Eliminate activities that are not of any value added processes.
4. To be selected companies for people with high performance.
5. Aims to increase the profitable growth targets and provide rewards above average employees and shareholders.
6. Obtain honor because of high integrity, care for the community and the environment.

Source : http://www.unilever.co.id

Whether eradication of al-Aqsa Mosque is a fact Goals?

To understand the importance of Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings for the people of Israel, it means an area of glass eyes Zionis. The belief that Jews have been drastically dipolitisir rate that began with the Zionisme will continue until the arrival of al-Masih. However, to achieve this goal, radical Jews believe that the three important events have occurred. First, an independent state of Israel should be established in the Holy Land and population Yahudinya should be increased. Pindahnya Jews to the Holy Land has been planned by the leaders realized Zionis since the beginning of the twentieth century. In addition, Israel became a sovereign nation with the state in 1948. Second, Jerusalem dicaplok in 1967 in the Six Day War, and in 1980, was announced as the "eternal capital" of Israel. The third, and the only requirements are still to be fulfilled, is rebuilding the Temple of Solomon, which destroyed 19 centuries ago. Remaining is the Wall of Lamentations.

However, today there are two places of worship in Islam on this place: Aqsa Mosque and Qubbah as-Sakhrah. So that the Jews can rebuild the temple, the second place of worship should be destroyed. The biggest hindrance to do is Muslims of the world, especially Palestine. So long as they still have, the people of Israel can not destroy this second place. Therefore, the actual reason for the collision, the bloody street make more can be found in this dream Zionis.

As we have previously emphasize, however the importance of Jerusalem to Muslims and Christian people. For this reason, this city, which is holy to Jews, Christians, and Islam, can not be entirely attributed to Zionis hands. The only solution seems to be a problem this is already jammed to find a way so that the Jewish people, Christian, Islamic and can live together in peace and security. Throughout history, the Islamic government only do so successfully, so that only people that Islam will be able to do so in the future. Israel, with sikapnya people who insult Islam and Christianity, can only bring terror and ketidaktertiban on Jerusalem and its surroundings.

Similarly, all negotiations between Israel and Palestinian officials not successful in the issue of Jerusalem. Since Israel was founded in 1948, various solutions have been proposed for Jerusalem: the city of Jerusalem says that the free and neutral, with the sovereignty of Israel and Jordan, a government consisting of representatives of all religions, to give rights to the land of Palestine and the results of air and earth to Israel , and many such proposals. However, Israel refused and finally seize all of Jerusalem with the strength and mengumumkannya as the "eternal capital" of Israel. Throughout Israel refused to delete the policy that has drawn kekerasannya, interesting himself from the region, or negotiate with the Palestinian people, the future of Jerusalem and all other related issues can not be solved.

Zionis biggest dream is the Aqsa Mosque and rebuild the Temple of Solomon, who have only one wall remaining.
The right image shows the form of Solomon's palace.

Source : http://www.tragedipalestina.com

Zionisme Christian: Map Road to Armageddon?

Zionisme find the strength of the differences in network organization monoteistis Christian lush and powerful, especially in the United States. Christian looked Zionis Israel as part of the provisions of the sacred be God, having peak at the coming of Christ for the second time. The number of them reach the tens of millions, and have sought political influence many generations the United States. However, the way they view the rest of the fundamental error in interpretation of holy book, which is contrary to the teachings of the Christian message pure.

WHY this day there is such a close relationship between the United States and Israel? Why is very difficult to find a U.S. congressman who are willing to criticize Israel in public? Although the actual Israel should be more subject to a number of resolutions of the UN Security Council in comparison with other countries in the world, the United States always veto nearly every section?

Why after nearly 40 years, Israel still occupies only Palestinian Territory and the Golan The Highest, while Syria has been forced to retreat from Lebanon? Why is Israel allowed to maintain biological weapons, chemical, and nuclear, while Iran were threatened with attack because preliminary attempts to develop nuclear technology?

Why Oslo Peace Agreement and fails to realize the Wye peace? Instead of getting agreement from Russia, European Community, the United States, and the United Nations, why not have faith to implement the political Peace Road Map (Road Map) and create a sovereign Palestinian state in the neighborhood?

Instead of provisions of the International Court, why Israel can still continue with the development of Wall separator without obtaining sanctions, and build a ghetto for the Palestinian people? Why the United States and UK as the majority of the doghouse the Arab world and became the target of action violence Muslims? Answers to all questions that remain most mysterious movement without considering the role that may be most at this time berpangaruh and most controversial in Christianity, namely Zionisme Christian.

The Christian Zionisme

In the most simple definition, is a Christian Zionisme Christian groups that support Zionisme. That is, this group is a political system of the same shape, confirming apartheid colonialism based on the Gospel, the rights of the Jews in Palestine over the rights of the nation, also claim exclusive rights over an area which until now has not been clear in the Middle East. In this case, basically Zionis Christians support the State of Israel.

Grace Halsell, for example, asked, "What is the meaning Zionis Christian? Say it like this: every action of Israel is in accordance with the will of God, and therefore should be pardoned, supported, and even praised by all of us. "1

Dale Crowley, a Washington herald a religious background, described the group as a 'sect's fastest growing in the United States':

Main members of this group is not "mad people," but middle-class American citizens to middle to top. They give millions of dollars each week to herald herald-in TV out the basic principles of this sect. They read the works of Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye. They have one goal: to become the hand of God to take them to heaven, free from all problems, and from there they will see the end of Armageddon-war era, and the destruction of the planet bumi.2

Meaning Zionisme Christian Movement

As a movement, Zionisme Christian is very different. At least, there are three elements that can be observed pembeda: evangelistis, apokaliptis, and politis.3

Zionisme spread mainly through the Christian denominations evangelistis, charismatic, and independent, including the Council of the Church of God, Pentecost, and Southern Baptist, and most mega-church (mega church) is independent. Crowley claims that the group is led by fundamentalist cleric 80,000. The view of the pastor was spread by 1000 Christian radio stations and 100 TV Kristen.4

Estimated, the overall movement has the support of 25 million to 100 juta.5 In March 2002, in a survey of opinion against the Christians, Pew Research Center found that 44% of Protestants and 72% American evangelical White Skin can be associated with the movement Zionis Kristen.6

Perhaps the Unity Coalition for Israel Zionis Christian network is the most involved in the organization brings together 200 Jewish and Christian Zionis different, including the International Christian Embassy, Christian Friends of Israel and Bridges for Peace. They have the support of the claims 40 million members aktif.7 organizations, with the range of different reasons and with a diverse, with the contradictions that exist, formed a coalition of the Christian coloring Zionis agenda today.

Although Zionisme Christian roots as a movement can be up to the early 19th century, and became known as Dispensasionalisme-thought that God has chosen two people: the Church and Israel, this new movement mengemuka since 1967, when the war between the Arab-Israel seen as the real existence of the Gospel of the forecast.

Without financial support and political Zionis Christians in the United States, which has ensured the availability of funds the government budget in the amount of large, highly doubt that the State of Israel can still survive since 1948, let alone continue to occupy and colonize Palestinian Territory since 1967.

Christian Zionisme Political Agenda

Zionis Christian shows the level of enthusiasm is different to implement the six basic confidence that comes from their literal understanding of the Gospel.
1. People Selected: Support Israeli Kolonialisme

Confidence that God made the Jews as' chosen people 'in some of the things that separate from the Church fully rooted in the strong Christian Zionisme. This is expressed with a variety of ways. In October 2000, for example, only a few days after Sharon provocative visit to Haram al-Sharif, an ad appears on the New York Times entitled 'Open Letter to the evangelical Christians from the Jewish people for Jesus.' Is in the evangelical urge them to show solidarity with the State of Israel at this critical time:

'Now is time on the side of Israel. Sister brother in Christ, we see the heart of the occurrence of violence and bloodshed in the Middle East .... Friends of Christian-friendly "do not blame the grace of God and call him" (Romans 11:29). Therefore, our support for Israel in bertahannya time this dark need not be debated again. Now is time Christians stand up for Israel.'8

Until the 1980s, U.S. policy towards the Middle East in general, not proportional to the threat of global policy on a more knowledgeable, who came from Soviet influence. The protection of Western Europe through NATO is the priority. However, tumbangnya Komunisme creating a vacuum of power in the Middle East, which is then filled by the U.S.. After the Gulf War to remove Iraqi troops from Kuwait, the Taliban's Afghanistan and Saddam Hussein's Iraq, it is clear that U.S. influence has been strengthened in the Middle East. At the same time, there was an increase in the wave of pro-Israel lobby. Consequently, the Middle East, particularly Israel, have become central to U.S. foreign policy. Is not because al-Qaeda attacks to New York and Washington.

In 1980, founded the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem with the aim of directly coordinate the various activities of a political lobby work with the government of Israel. One of the main goals is witnessing discharge Palestinian delegation from Western countries and move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

In the event of Prayer Fasting National Open in February 1991, Ed McAteer, Religious Roundtable president, launched a Christian Israel Public Affairs Committee (CIPAC), imitate American Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in power, who have already lobby-rights lobby on behalf of Israel .9 objectives CIPAC exactly with AIPAC. One of the first goal CIPAC is lobbying Congress to ensure that the debt guarantee availability of 10 billion U.S. dollars to fund the re-settlement regulation of the Jews in the former Soviet Union and Israel in the West edges.

Bush Government to guarantee debt berhentinya with the development of Jewish settlements in the West edges. Jan Willem van der Hoeven said the ICEJ's Jerusalem Post, that "the Christian community considers the government policy on debt guarantee at all that can not be accepted." He claims that 80% of American evangelical Christians support the security of debt tersebut.10 Perhaps this is the future days, George Bush Senior complained that "there in 1000 pelobi Hill at this time that the lobbying of Congress in order to provide debt guarantees to Israel, and I am just a small man alone ask Congress to delay consideration of pinzaman for 120 days." 11

Christian Zionis also very generous to provide financial support to Israel. Zeev Chafets, in his writings on the New York Times in 2005, out with a little cynical, how evangelical Christian groups have been working to pay Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein in Israel:

In the last eight years alone, it is estimated that 400,000 new donors have sent Eckstein about a quarter billion dollars to Jewish interests, it's like he used to do what. There are no Jews since the time of Jesus had ordered the glory of such ini.12

Zionis Christians also have the effect in the nerve that closer relations with Israel to facilitate pilgrimage of solidarity and a variety of educational visits to the Holy Land.

2. Restorasionisme: Facilitating Aliyah from the former Soviet Union

With the fall Komunisme in the former Soviet Union (Former Soviet Union-FSU) and Eastern Europe, since 1980, a coalition agents Zionis Christian has taken the initiative to encourage Jews to berimigrasi Israel, and considered as evidence of the forecast.

Perhaps Exobus is the first agent Zionis Christian doctrine Restorasionisme that change a reality and help the Jews in the FSU establish Aliyah. Exobus was founded in 1984 by Phil Hunter, director of Good News Travels Bus Company, bermarkas in Hull, England. Goal this agency is to facilitate transfer of the Jews in the FSU to Israel.

Exobus the first team sent to Ukraine in 1991, and claims that since that time this organization has helped 80,000 Jews to Israel berimigrasi with a strong cooperation with the Jewish agency. Perhaps at this time Exobus is the largest Christian agencies that facilitate Aliyah, consists of 80 team members from 13 countries and operates 40 vehicles. Exobus carry as much 1,200 Jews from 16 locations in the FSU each bulannya.13 main Exobus financial support comes from a partner agency called Christians for Israel International, which developed in the U.S. Exobus.

Since 1991, ICEJ also have to pay for transportation 40,000 immigrants, 15,000 of which was brought to Israel with 51 flights sponsored ICEJ. ICEJ Russian team members are especially active in the more remote areas in the FSU. As Exobus, ICEJ Bridges for Peace and describe their duties with the term 'fish fish' for the Jewish people, based on Jeremiah 16:16. They find the Jews, coax them to move, help them obtain documents that prove the origin of their Judaism, and distribute the pay package of humanitarian exit permits, passports, satisfaction of debt, transportation and accommodation during their processed by the Jewish agency in the Russian cities greater. Once arriving in Israel, ICEJ and BFP help immigrants with the cost of settlement, providing food, clothing, blankets, kitchen supplies and schools, and health equipment.

3. Eretz Israel: Supporting the Settlement edges West

For Zionisme, Jewish, Christian and religious, limit valid for Israel far more extensive than with the present debate with Syria, Jordan, and Palestinian Authority. Confidence that all the edges West is an integral part of Israel has made many Zionis Christian 'adopt' specific Jewish settlements to strengthen their claim on the area.

Christian Friends of Israeli Communities (CFOIC), founded by Ted Beckett in 1995, formed a working partnership with the Christian Friends of Israel (cfi) and the settlement defines as:

Sebidang land to the Jewish people to live a pioneer daredevil. Most established in the top of the hill berbatu empty, built to form the Jewish community that has not been there for thousands of years. Some, such as Shiloh, a settlement built on the site of the original Jewish kuno.14

So far, 'progress meter' CFOIC show that 39 illegal settlements in Israel has been 'adopted' by 50 denominations and independent churches in the U.S., South Africa, Germany, the Netherlands, and the Philippines.

In addition to facilitating Jewish immigration to Israel, a number of Christian agencies Zionis also active support to illegal Jewish settlements in the West edges. Program 'for the bus Peluru Anti Euphrates,' for example, also spent 150,000 dollars to buy a bus layers of steel to carry anti-missile settlement of incoming and outgoing edges of the settlement Efrat.15 West Bridges for Peace (BFP) have a similar scheme called 'Operation Ezra 'fund of more than 50 projects that failed sedianya threatened fields such as settlement, Sde Bar, near Beit Jala and Herodian.16

Anglicans for Israel represent a new face in Christian Zionis Website Inggris.17 they load a lot of articles that deny the Palestinians, menjustifikasi Wall separator and residential development,

During the Palestinian nation still hold on the understanding that they are mistaken "occupied," and Israel as "oppressor," they will not be responsible for the self sendiri.18

While Israel has not visited this long, I see the security fence in many events, and the fence is very long. With the exception of a small number of locations, and only to protect the motorcycle rider's not the sharpshooter-tembok.19

The effect pro-Israel lobby on American foreign policy on the settlement appears to produce results. During the Carter, settlements are considered 'illegal'; government under Reagan is seen as a 'barrier' peace '; when the Clinton government to be a complex of factors'; while in the George W. Bush, settlement is part of Israel.

4. Jerusalem: lobbying for the International Recognition

The core of support Zionis Christian claims against Israel on the region of confidence is that Jerusalem is and must remain a center of Jewish exclusive and not-for divided. So far, various efforts to reach agreement in the Arab-Israeli conflict is the more knowledgeable is restrained or stumble on the final status of Jerusalem. Zionis Christians reject any firm with any of the sovereignty or the establishment of joint central government in the Palestinian East Jerusalem.

Senator Bob Dole and then announced a legislation in the United States Senate ordered U.S. embassies rebuild Jerusalem before May 31, 1999, and passed 100 million dollars to finance the expenditure 'initial.'20 In October 1995 he stated, "Center of Israel is determined not on the table the process of peaceful negotiations, and move U.S. embassy to Jerusalem does not affect a bit to predict any results of negotiations in the future. "21 While deplores the failure of the U.S. President to the Senate ratified the decision, Dole said:

Jerusalem today, and have been since three thousand years ago, the heart and soul into the Jews. The city also must remain, forever, the center of the State of Israel is eternal and not-for divided ... Time has come ... to move more than just words, express support, and various resolutions of Congress. Time has come for legislation that can run the pekerjaan.22

In 1992, ICEJ sponsored various celebrations to mark the anniversary to the 25-event which they call the 'Reunifikasi Jerusalem.'23 In 1996, in the International Congress Zionis Christian, raised this idea back in 1500 before the participants signed a statement of attitude:

Because God is absolutely for the purpose of this city, the Jerusalem must remain divided, for, under Israeli sovereignty, open to all people, the state of Israel only, and therefore all nations need to agree and put their embassies here ... God is the absolute truth and Land that is written for people who dijanjikanNya he is not for disekat-sekat.24

ICEJ also provided support as a full page in the New York Times for the ad titled 'Christians called to Jerusalem for the Full. "

We, marked under the hand of this is the spiritual leader of the Christian sunday each serving more than 100 million American Christians, so proud to be able to join together to support the sovereignty of the State of Israel on the holy city of Jerusalem. We support the efforts of Israel to achieve reconciliation with the Arab neighbors, but we believe that Jerusalem, or any part thereof, should not be bargained in the peace process. Jerusalem must remain intact as the center of the eternal Yahudi.25

Readers also called:

Join with us in the sacred mission to ensure that Jerusalem will remain the center of Israel intact and eternal. 'They claim,' the war for Jerusalem has begun, and kinilah time people who believe in Christ to support their brothers the Jews and the State of Israel. When unity with the Jews has now arrived.'26

However, the more important it is for the Christian Zionis related dengang prediction that they believe is rebuilding Jewish Temple.

5. Temple: Religious Zionisme on the side

Christian Zionis now active help so many Jewish organizations that aims to rebuild the Jewish Temple proclaiming organizations Temple Mount, site search for the location of the Temple; facilitate the re-development program; multiply neat red and fund the financial institution.

Randall Price is a leading expert in the flow of dispensational re-development plans Jewish Temple in the near future. In the 735 page book, The Coming Last Days Temple, he presents the full details and addresses of all Jewish organizations that took part in facilitating the re-development of the Temple Yahudi.27 Gershon Salomon is a controversial figure in the movement and founder of The Temple faithful. When speaking as a guest ICEJ, Christian Zionis Congress in 1998, Salomon bersikukuh that:

Mission of the present generation is exempt Temple Mount and remove-I repeat, remove the tarnish-hatred that place ... the Jews will not be dismissed in the gate-gateway to the Temple Mount ... we kibarkan flag of Israel in our Temple Mount, which will stand without Golf masjidnya and stone, and that there will be only our flag and our Temple. That is to be implemented by the next generation kita.28

However, Sam Kiley wrote in The Times to provide another perspective. He claimed Salomon as the "most appropriate to face the various sects in this millennium." In an interview with Salomon insists that Muslims place of worship should be destroyed:

The Government of Israel must do so. We must fight. Akan many nations who oppose us, but God will lead us. I believe this is the test, and God expects us remove Golf without fear of the other nations. Al-Masih will not come by itself; we have to struggle with menghadirkanya.'29

Since 1967 there have been more than 100 armed attacks against the al-Haram al-Sharif by the Jewish militant, often led by the rabbinical. Not even the Prime Minister of Israel or the Sephardic rabbinical never criticize attacks itu.30 As Lawrence Wright had been, "Temple of the Jewish longing, hope Christian will be excitement, paranoia and vandalism against Muslim mosque they stirred in the middle of a bowl apokaliptik." 31

6. Future: Against Peace and hasten Armageddon

Hostility shown towards Christian Zionis any compromise on the division of land, or Jerusalem, or holy sites, not at all because of the inherent pessimism in their eskatologi.

USA-Israel Alliance

When Christian Zionis generally agreed to stand on Israel, there is a special close relationship between Israel and the United States. Jerry Falwell them are simple. God so good to the United States as' United States either to the Jews.'32 Mike Evans is one of the basics found evangelical about the relationship between Israel and the United States:

God would bless America and Israel ... If the collapse of Israel, the United States will not be able to keep more money ... demokrasinya Arabs used to control and affect many large companies in the U.S., so that makes the United States more and more difficult to oppose terrorism dunia.33

Zionis for Christians such as Jerry Falwell and Mike Evans, 'Sabuk Gospel' is seen as the United States' seat belts' Israel.34 United States is considered a savior of their role as the country in the world adidaya already predicted in the book and suci35 already be the Tuhan.36 critics warned the danger of this kind of logic because it is the eyes and looked dualistik and Manichaean of global politics. America and Israel together against a world of indecency.'37

Antipati against the Arab nation

Zionis is Christian lovers of Israel, and they rarely show the same feelings towards Arab nations. In fact, they often antipati very opposite of their empathy with Israel. Stereotype of anti-Arab prejudice and orientalis, commonly found in the writings mereka.38 According orientalis, the West is seen as a liberal, peaceful, rational, and able to accept the values of a 'real' while the Middle East do not.

Ramon Bennett explains how such prejudices still prevalent to this day to reflect the nation as a modern Arab nation 'barbar'39 He claims that' habits in their hospitality and generosity is only slightly changed in 4000 this year, customs begitupun attack other people (steal, be rough), self-praise, and the ferocity mereka.40 quote John Laffin, Bennett argued that the Arab nation is not cruel or a liar full calculation, they are the people who natural.41 When anti-Semitisme considered taboo in the United States, appears to be at is' hunting season 'for anti-Arab prejudice.

Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine

Dick Armey, former head of the Republic of the Senate, with the surprising news spread justify ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian nation from the area. In an interview with Chris Matthews on CNBC 1Mei 2002, Armey said that:

Most people who now inhabit Israel previously transported from all over the world to the land that has become their home. Palestinian nation can also do the same, and we'll be happy to assist fully Palestine to do so. We do not want to sacrifice for the sake of Israel on Palestinian land the nation ... I believe that Israel must take all edges West ... So many Arab nations that have land hundreds of thousands of hectares of land, land, and property, as well as the opportunity to establish a Palestinian state for the nation .'42

Matthews gave Armey several times the opportunity to mengklarifikasi statement that he is not currently recommend that ethnic cleansing of the whole nation from the Palestinian West edges, but Armey is not bergeming. When asked, "What you tell George Bush, the president of your country, Texas, on your opinion that the entire Palestinian nation must rise up and leave Palestine, and that is the solution?"

Armey replied, "Perhaps now is the kuberitahukan ... I believe that Israel must obtain land that is now dikuasainya and those who attack against Israel should be moved to other areas." 43

Armey opinion that the Palestinian nation have to 'go' is just the last part of the appeal of a series of major issues so that U.S. and British media about the ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian nation's Pendudukan.44 Region

Against Peace Process

Zionis Christian always justify unilateral Israeli claim over the area, while at the same time they oppose the aspirations of Palestinian nation to determine their own fate, because the opposite is true both of them. Many regard the agreement as a betrayal of peace in the will of God for the Jews. "Peace ... is a mistake and there are those who believe that is the root of evil." 45 Clarence Wagner of BFP also agree with these opinions. He also does not agree with the peace agreement:

We need to encourage other nations to understand God's plan, not the plans the United Nations, U.S., MEE, Oslo, Wye, and so on. coming from the minds of men. God is no set plan to seize Jerusalem Old City, including the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives (Mount of Olives), and gave it to the world of Islam. Al-Masih will not return to the city, Muslims called Al-Quds, but to bring back, bring back the city Jewish, Yerusalem.46

Therefore, the discussion about peace is not only considered to dispose of waste of time, but also shows the very lack of faith, and the worst, is a rebellion against God's will. The statement came from such high-level leaders of the Christians, who so far is not the view of Muslim extremists who call 'holy war' against the West. Danger theology such separah appears not to cause death, but stories like 'chicken little,' so menular.47 Karen Armstrong is not alone in the proof of the validity War Cross in Zionisme Christian West. Based on pengamatannya, fundamentalist groups such as the now 'back to the concept of holy war and the era of ancient extreme.'48

Critical assessment of the Christian Zionisme

As has already been discussed, Zionisme as a Christian movement has caused many in the political consequences and the long term. Zionis Christians have shown varying levels of enthusiasm for implementing six teologis confidence arises from the fundamental understanding of their literal and futuris of the Gospel:

1. Confidence that the Jews remain God's chosen people who make Zionis Christian menjustifikasi military occupation of Israel on Palestine.

2. As the choice of the Lord, all the Jews return to Israel is actively encouraged and facilitated through partnerships between organizations and agencies Christian Jews.

3. Eretz Israel, from Egypt to Iraq, is fully owned by the Jews, therefore, the land must be taken over and pemukimannya be kept at the same time.

4. Jerusalem regarded as eternal and exclusive center for the Jews, and can not be divided, for the Palestinian nation. Therefore, the government's strategic countries in the West under pressure Zionis Christians must move their embassies to Jerusalem, which means recognizing the truth.

5. The temple must be built remain, kerahibannya purified, of start-up again. As Zionis believed by Christians, particularly dispensational, that this has been predicted, they provide various levels of support to a number of organizations Jewish Temple Mount which is committed mewujudkannya.

6. Because Zionis Christians believe that there will be a war between good and apokaliptis deterioration in the near future, the long-term peace between Arab and Jew can no longer be expected. Indeed, encourage Israel to compromise with Islam or coexistence with the Palestinians, means that nations make themselves with the people to be against God and Israel in the war of Armageddon is near.

It is clear that not all Christians believe Zionis sixth grains on the doctrine, or be convinced, and involve themselves with the same degree. However. As has already been discussed, in general, support without consideration of the consequences of the critical state of Israel, especially from the American evangelical circles, in fact very harmful, even for the Jews who claim as their loved ones.

Generally, Zionisme Christian was rejected by a number of major Christian denominations.

For example, in the International Koferensi Sabil to-5 in Jerusalem in April 2004, about 600 members from 30 countries issued a statement that as a criticism Zionisme Christian bid'ah:

Zionisme Christian is teologis and political movements that embrace modern ideological views about the most extreme Zionisme, therefore, be very harmful for a just peace between Israel and Palestine. Programs Zionis Christian perspective to present the way that the Gospel dinisbahkan on ideology empire, colonialism and militarism. In the form of ekstrimnya, understand this apokaliptis the various events that lead to the end of history, not the love of Christ and kadilan at the present time.

We also reject the form of Christian Zionisme a more dangerous, a policy slant of so many churches remain silent when they see the occupation of Israel on Palestine. Therefore, we firmly reject the doctrines of the Christian Zionis, reveal as false teachings that demean the message of love, forgiveness, and justice is in the Gospel ...

We reject the teachings of Christian bid'ah Zionisme facilitate and support this policy extremists. Rather than preach universal love, unity and Repentance taught by Jesus Christ, they are middle mengkampanyekan racial exclusivity and no war akhir.49

Christian Zionisme only the confidence of the future apokaliptik based on the understanding hermeneutik literally, with the promise menisbahkan mentioned in the Old Testament for the Jews in the ancient state of Israel at this time. The assumption that they literally menafikan any possibility for memaknai the Gospel in other ways, for memaknai history, or the results of peace negotiations a fair and long-term in the Middle East.

Finally, Christians must Zionisme rejected because without the critical attitude rasis agenda has exclusive rights to achieve political Israel. In addition, the lack of love to the tragedy Palestinian nation can not truly be pardoned. Whether intentionally or not, these groups have been legitimize oppression of the Palestinian nation in the name of God. Di saat yang sama, kepada kaum Yahudi, mereka memberikan masa depan apokaliptik yang jauh lebih mengerikan, bahkan lebih dari Shoah–Holocaust.[Stephen Sizer]

Source : http://maulanusantara.wordpress.com

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Charting You Company's Future - Your Company Strategy

John Reed of Citicorp was known for insisting that his executives get the big picture. As chairman and CEO, he demanded that business unit heads present their proposed strategies in no more than a few slides. Executives who failed to meet Reed's exacting standards for brevity met with his unconcealed displeasure. And if it happened too often, they ran the risk of being left out of the loop on future strategy sessions.

Many leaders share Reed's obsession with the big picture, yet our research shows that few companies actually have a clear strategic vision. The problem, we believe, stems from the strategic planning process itself. The process usually involves the preparation of a large document—culled from a mishmash of data provided by people from various parts of the organization who often have conflicting agendas and poor communication. The report typically begins with a lengthy description of the industry and the competitive situation. There follows a discussion of how to increase market share here and there, capture new segments, or cut costs, which leads to an outline of numerous goals and initiatives. A full budget is almost invariably attached, as are lavish graphs and a surfeit of spreadsheets.

No wonder so few strategic plans turn into action; executives are paralyzed by the muddle. But it doesn't have to be that way. We suggest an alternative approach to strategic planning, based not on preparing a document but on drawing a picture we call a "strategy canvas." This approach consistently produces strategies that are easy to understand and communicate, that engage more people within an organization, and that unlock the creativity of participants. First, though, let's look at what makes a good strategy canvas.

Revealing your strategic profile
Academics and consultants have developed an armory of tools to help companies understand their strategic positioning, and many of those tools have yielded successful strategies. Our approach—drawing a strategy canvas—is unique because it does three things in one picture. First, it shows the strategic profile of an industry by depicting very clearly the factors that affect competition among industry players, as well as those that might in the future. Second, it shows the strategic profile of current and potential competitors, identifying which factors they invest in strategically. Finally, our approach draws the company's strategic profile—or value curve—showing how it invests in the factors of competition and how it might invest in them in the future. The basic component of our strategy canvas, the value curve, is a tool we developed in our research and consulting work. (For a full description, see our previous HBR articles "Value Innovation: The Strategic Logic of High Growth," January-February 1997, and "Creating New
Market Space," January-February 1999.)

Southwest Airline's profile is a perfect example of a good strategy, because it shows the three complementary qualities that characterize an effective strategy: focus, divergence, and a compelling tag line. If your company's strategic profile does not clearly reveal those qualities, your strategy will likely be muddled, undifferentiated, and hard to communicate.

Across the board investing is often a sign that competitors' moves are setting a company's agenda.
—W. Chan Kim and RenĂ©e Mauborgne

Focus. Every great strategy has focus, and a company's strategic profile, or value curve, should clearly show it. Looking at Southwest's profile, for example, you can see at once that the company emphasizes just three factors: friendly service, speed, and frequent point-to-point departures. By focusing in this way, Southwest has been able to price against car transportation; it doesn't make extra investments in meals, lounges, and seating choices. By contrast, Southwest's traditional competitors invest in all the airline industry's competitive factors, which makes it much more difficult for them to match Southwest's prices. Across-the-board investing is often a sign that competitors' moves are setting a company's agenda.

Divergence. When a company's strategy is formed reactively as it tries to keep up with the competition, it loses its uniqueness. Consider the similarities in most airlines' meals and business-class lounges. On the strategy canvas, therefore, reactive strategists tend to share a profile. Indeed, in the case of Southwest, we found that the value curves of the company's competitors were virtually identical, which is why they share the same value curve in the exhibit. By contrast, the value curves of innovators' strategies always stand apart. They might eliminate or substantially reduce investments in certain factors, or they might dramatically increase investments in others. Sometimes they even create new factors, thereby changing the industry's overall profile. Southwest, for instance, pioneered point-to-point travel between midsize cities; previously, the industry operated through hub-and-spoke systems.

Compelling tag line. The final test of a good strategy picture is how well it lends itself to a tag line. "The speed of the plane at the price of the car—whenever you need it." That's the tag line of Southwest Airlines, or at least it could be. What could Southwest's competitors say? Even the most proficient ad agency would have difficulty reducing the conventional offering of lunches, seat choices, lounges, and hub links with standard service, slower speeds, and higher prices into a memorable tag line. A good tag line must not only deliver a clear message but also advertise an offering truthfully, or else customers will lose trust and interest. If you can't come up with a strong and authentic tag line, chances are you don't have a strong strategy, either.

Drawing a strategy canvas is not, of course, the only part of the strategic-planning process. At some stage, numbers and documents must be compiled and discussed. But we believe that the details will fall into place more easily if managers start with the big picture. Completing the four steps of visualizing strategy will put strategy back into strategic planning, and it will greatly improve your chances of coming up with a winning formula. As Aristotle pointed out: "The soul never thinks without an image."

The Four Steps of Visualizing Strategy

Visual Awakening

  • Compare your business with your competitors' by drawing your "as is" strategy picture.
  • See where your strategy needs to change
  • Visual Exploration
    Go in the field to:

  • Discover the adoption of hurdles for noncustomers.
  • Observe the distinctive advantages of alternative products and services.
  • see which factors you should eliminate, create, or change.
  • Visual Strategy Fair

  • Draw your "to be" strategy canvases based on insights from field observations.
  • Get feedback on alternative strategy pictures from customers, lost customers, competitors' customers, and noncustomers.
  • Use feedback to build the best "to be" strategy.
  • Visual Communication

  • Distribute your before-and-after strategic profiles on one page for easy comparison.
  • Support only those projects and operational moves that allow your company to close the gaps to actualize the new strategy.
  • The strategic profile of Southwest Airlines differs dramatically from those of its competitors in the short-haul airline industry. Note how Southwest's profile has more in common with the car's than with the profile of other airlines.

    Source : http://hbswk.hbs.edu